As I walk into the hall of my residence, there is a picture of the Savior attached to a mirror on the left. Under the picture of Christ is a scripture. It is 3 Nephi 18:
"Therefore, hold up your light that it may shine unto the world. Behold I am the light which ye shall hold up".
The thought finally occured to me as to why it is there. A picture of our Savior, next to a "picture" of me. Its like my nametag. My name right near the Saviors name, the Church of JESUS CHRIST. I am hear to tell the world about HIM.
So who am I? I'm a missionary. I'm a messenger. I'm a representative. I'm standing in the place of my Savior, and holding up my light, which is really Him. I'm going out to Rochester New York to hold up the Light of Christ.
With that constant reminder, I find my faith. I find that I am able to learn the Spanish language, conquer my fears, doubts, and homesickness. I'm able to wake up confidently every morning knowing that I'm about a righteous cause, and that I'm serving my Father in Heaven.
I am a daughter of God. A daughter of the Most High, and a daughter of my Eternal Father.
Go get 'em! :v